Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Did you like creating a blog?

Creating my own blog was an interesting experience. In the beginning I was very unsure of what to do or what was expected. Eventually I realized that there is not set format, you can do whatever you want to do. I became good at taking the information from the readings and tutorials that I found interesting and reflecting on it. It was a place to let everyone know what I thought. I realized how important it is to have a catchy title and relevant coherent information in my blog. First you want to catch the reader’s eye and then keep them interested in reading what you have to say with accurate and interesting point of views. I also found it interesting to read what other people had to say once I was done writing my own reflection. I found it difficult to continuously comment on others’ blogs because everyone does their blogs on their own time, which is the beauty for the writer. Using the blog to synthesize the information I was reading enhanced my learning experience greatly. It was also a benefit to see how others were synthesizing the same information to get a different point of view on the same material. I tried to always link my projects that I did in class or URL’s to specific movies or graphics that I found particularly intriguing.  I think I gave writing a blog my all and would engage in this activity for personal pleasure, especially after having such a positive first experience with it. 

I was able to comment on and follow the blogs of my classmates listed below:
TheMathinator2000's blog - I commented about her screenshots project. I also commented on her discussion of LoTI and YuuGuu.
Jeff's blog - I commented on his discussion of the teaching new letter assignment.
Captainiluminati's Blog - I commented on his discussion about engrade.
I believe I made other comments as well, but I did not keep track of them and it is a little tedious to look them all up.

1 comment:

  1. I felt the same way when I found out we had to make a blog. I had never done anything like this and thought that it would be really pretentious to create some blog and just talk about myself. But looking back on a semesters worth of blogging, it is interesting to see what my views on technology were in September, and then look at what they are now and all the things that we are all capable of doing that we did not even know existed back at the beginning of the class.
